Contact the Branch
by phone or by email
Here follows a list of Branch Officers (their titles are shown in bold), Tower Correspondents and other people you might wish to contact. A point (●) indicates the correspondent for the named tower. If you would like to join a practice evening or a Sunday service ringing session, then feel free to contact that person in advance. Alternatively, more general enquiries can be directed to our Branch Secretary. These details are updated regularly.

Clicking on a contact's name will enable you to send them an email. In order to prevent spam, the email addresses have been encrypted, and so you may need to enable JavaScript (blocked content) to run on this page. If you do not see the name of the contact, then this is so.

Tower and Branch Officers
City Centre
St Aldates · Oxford OX1 1BP
Tower Correspondent

Branch Chairman

Branch Ringing Master

Branch Treasurer

Branch Auditor
01865 241043
07702 096913
01865 511816
07831 461057
07845 147874
07429 620752
St James · Oxford OX4 3LF
Tower Correspondent

Branch Representative Ⅰ
01865 778596
07752 288828
01865 777486
07443 859961
All Saints · Oxon OX44 9HG
Tower Correspondent
01865 873342
St Mary · Oxon OX44 9DJ
Tower Correspondent
01865 361761
07484 169388
City Centre
St Giles · Oxford OX2 6HT
Tower Correspondent

Branch Secretary
Acting Web Master
01865 723645
07969 723645
01865 682812
07712 814092
St Andrew · Oxford OX3 9DL
Tower Correspondent

Branch Vice Chairman
01865 764728
07778 834334
Nth Hinksey
St Lawrence · Oxford OX2 0LZ
Tower Correspondent
01865 241451
St Giles · Oxon OX33 1SE
Tower Correspondent
01865 873342
St Mary V · Oxford OX4 4EJ
Tower Correspondent
Branch Representative Ⅱ
01865 749598
St Mary V · Oxon OX5 2AZ
Tower Correspondent
01865 375396
St Nicholas · Oxford OX3 0PR
Tower Correspondent

Outings Coordinator
07788 746157

01865 247574
07899 871079
St John · Oxon OX33 1DN
Tower Correspondent
07816 228027
St Mary · Oxon OX33 1LZ
Tower Correspondent
01865 872250
07803 130391
St Peter · Oxford OX2 8BW
Tower Correspondent
07769 680112
Outside the Branch
High Wycombe
All Saints (12+2) · Bucks HP11 2AY

Guild Steward
01844 352926